Improving Safety and Onboarding With Innovative eLearning at Industrial Cleaning Services

Client: Industrial Cleaning Services, a leading provider of decontamination services and HVAC and ventilation system maintenance.

Challenge: With a growing workforce and an expanding range of services, Industrial Cleaning Services found itself facing two significant challenges. First, the company lacked a structured onboarding program for new employees, which resulted in inconsistent knowledge and training gaps. Second, the safety training program, a crucial part of the company's commitment to quality and compliance, was conducted offline and was thus difficult to manage and track.

The client also did not have an LMS (Learning Management System) in place, adding to the challenges of administration and record keeping.

Solution: To tackle these challenges, our team worked closely with Industrial Cleaning Services to develop an online learning path. This path was designed to be mobile-friendly, ensuring accessibility for employees on the go or on-site. The modules within the learning path were interactive, engaging the learners and enhancing their retention of information.

One of the key features of this learning path was the integration of real-world case studies. These case studies highlighted the application of safety protocols in various scenarios, thereby making the learning more relevant and practical for the employees.

To address the absence of an LMS, our team devised a no-LMS solution for signing off on training. This allowed the client to keep track of employees' training progress and record completion, without the need for investing in and maintaining a complex LMS.

Results: The implementation of the online learning path revolutionised the training process at Industrial Cleaning Services. The new employee onboarding became streamlined and consistent, ensuring that all new hires had the same foundational knowledge before starting their roles. The safety training became more engaging, leading to higher completion rates and better comprehension of safety protocols.

Additionally, the no-LMS solution made training management significantly more efficient. The company could now easily track employee progress and document training completion, ensuring compliance with safety regulations.


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