Here is a list of common terms in learning and development!

  • Adult learning: The process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, and behaviours by adults, typically in a non-traditional education setting.

  • Andragogy: The study of how adults learn, including the factors that influence adult learning and the methods and strategies that are most effective for facilitating adult learning.

  • Assessment: The process of evaluating the knowledge, skills, abilities, or characteristics of an individual or group.

  • Blended learning: A teaching approach that combines online and face-to-face learning methods.

  • Collaborative learning: A teaching approach in which learners work together to solve problems or achieve a shared goal.

  • Continuing education: Education that is taken after initial formal schooling, often in the form of professional development or certification programs.

  • eLearning: The use of electronic technologies, such as the internet, to deliver educational content and facilitate learning.

  • Gamification: The use of game elements, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, to motivate and engage learners.

  • Knowledge management: The process of acquiring, distributing, and leveraging knowledge within an organisation.

  • Learning management system (LMS): A software platform used to deliver, track, and manage eLearning courses and training programs.

  • Learning styles: The preferred way in which an individual absorbs, processes, and retains information.

  • Mentorship: A relationship in which an experienced individual, typically a more senior member of an organisation, provides guidance and support to a less experienced individual, typically a junior member of the organisation.

  • Microlearning: Short, focused learning experiences, typically delivered in small chunks of time and designed to address specific learning objectives.

  • Mobile learning: The use of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to access educational content and facilitate learning.

  • Performance management: The process of setting goals, evaluating progress, and providing feedback to improve the performance of individuals and teams.

  • Personalised learning: A teaching approach that tailors learning experiences to the unique needs, interests, and abilities of each learner.

  • Self-directed learning: A learning approach in which the learner takes responsibility for their own learning, often with minimal guidance or support from a teacher or mentor.

  • Social learning: A learning approach in which learners learn from each other through interactions and discussions.

  • Synchronous learning: A type of online learning that takes place in real-time, with all participants participating at the same time.

  • Talent management: The process of identifying, developing, and retaining high-potential individuals within an organisation.

  • Transformative learning: A learning approach that involves a deep, structural shift in the learner's perspective, attitudes, and behaviours.

  • Virtual reality (VR) learning: The use of virtual reality technologies to create immersive learning experiences.

  • Webinar: An online seminar or workshop that is typically delivered via the web, allowing participants to join from anywhere with an internet connection.

Terms in the eLearning Industry:

  • Asynchronous learning: A type of eLearning that allows learners to access course materials and complete assignments on their own schedule rather than in real-time with a teacher or instructor.

  • Blended learning: A type of education that combines traditional face-to-face instruction with online learning.

  • Course management system (CMS): A software platform that helps educators create and manage online courses, including uploading course materials, organising assignments, and grading student work.

  • Digital literacy: The ability to use digital technologies and media effectively for learning, communication, and problem-solving.

  • Distance learning: Education that takes place remotely, usually online, rather than in a traditional classroom setting.

  • E-book: An electronic version of a traditional printed book, often in the form of a PDF or other digital file that can be read on a computer or other device.

  • Gamification: The use of game elements and mechanics, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, to engage and motivate learners.

  • Instructor-led training (ILT): A type of training that is led by a live instructor, either in a traditional classroom setting or via a virtual platform.

  • Learning management system (LMS): A software platform that helps educators create and deliver online courses, track student progress, and assess learning outcomes.

  • MOOC (massive open online course): A free online course that is open to anyone, often with a large number of participants.

  • Online course: A course that is delivered entirely online, without the need for in-person attendance.

  • Synchronous learning: A type of eLearning that occurs in real-time, with learners participating in a virtual classroom or meeting with an instructor at a set time.

  • Webinar: A live, online seminar or presentation that is typically delivered via a virtual platform such as Zoom or Skype.

  • Virtual classroom: An online platform that simulates a traditional classroom setting, allowing students and instructors to communicate and interact in real time.