Women Leadership Development Program

Women in the Workplace McKinsey Study in 2021 found that for numerous reasons, women are simply less likely than men to advance: they experience an uneven playing field, with their odds of advancement lower at every level; there is a persistent leadership gap in the most senior roles; gender diversity is not widely believed to be a priority; and while employee programs designed to help balance work and family are abundant, participation is low among both sexes due to concerns that using them will negatively affect their careers.

The BUILD Leadership program will develop Women in:

Balance how to lead personal life and work

Unique to show with your authentic leadership

Inspire to inspire and lead others

Lead essential leadership skills to expand on your potential

Drive to progress your career for ongoing success

About the Program:

The Women’s BUILD Leadership program is a targeted leadership program to support women working in operational areas to develop their skills and advance their career.

The program addresses the challenges of females being underrepresented in certain industries and actively builds leadership skills, provides coaching and mentoring support and a network of women to contribute to the program outcomes.

Not only does the program address the benefits to support the progress of women but organisations will clearly benefit from advantages of diversity with broader representation of females in operational leadership roles.

The Women’s BUILD Leadership program is designed to equip women in the listed industries. Providing the tools they need to increase their leadership impact and create lasting personal and professional change.

  • Building and Construction

  • Technicians and Trades

  • Manufacturing

  • Transport

  • Warehousing

  • Electricity, Gas and Water and Waste Services

  • Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing

  • Engineering

  • Architecture

  • Automotive

  • Mining